Course Description

Continuing Education Hours: 20

The Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist – Individual (CCTS-I) is a 20-hour training designed to give the participant a working knowledge of how to engage in the process of trauma treatment. This training is designed for licensed clinicians and individuals with a Masters in mental-health related field. Focusing not only on interventions, but how to sequence the interventions to maximize outcomes. The participant will be eligible for certification with the Trauma Institute International at the end of this training. This training is designed to improve the quality of treatment for those that have experienced trauma. This training also focuses on the active ingredients – the things that are common factors that help all treatment work become better and work more efficiently.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and Handouts

    1. Module 1 Overview

    2. Introduction

    1. Module 2 Overview

    2. Contact Information, Contents, and Resources

    1. Module 3 Overview

    2. History of Trauma

    3. Module 3 Quiz

    1. Module 4 Overview

    2. Basics of Trauma - Part 1

    3. Module 4 Quiz

    1. Module 5 Overview

    2. Basics of Trauma - Part 2

    3. Module 5 Quiz

About this course

  • $127.00
  • 68 lessons
  • 20 hours of video content

Learning Objectives

  • Compare and contrast evidence-based-interventions, common factors, and emerging trends for effective treatment of traumatic stress

  • Identify the common factors for healing traumatic stress

  • Comprehend the importance of therapeutic relationship and positive expectancy (relational factors) for positive outcomes in treatment

  • Articulate the role of reciprocal inhibition, relaxation, self-regulation, exposure and narrative in the treatment of traumatic stress

  • Understand concept and procedure for enhancing therapeutic relationship as method for increasing positive outcomes

  • Appreciate the potential deleterious personal effects associated with treating traumatic stress

Course Instructor

Dr. Robert Rhoton

PsyD, LPC, F.A.A.E.T.S.

Dr. Robert Rhoton, Founder of the Arizona Trauma Institute and President at the Trauma Institute International possesses a rich history of experience in the mental health field. Dr. Rhoton has supervised multiple outpatient clinics, juvenile justice programs, and intensive outpatient substance abuse programs for adolescents, day treatment programs for youth and children, adult offender programs and child and family therapeutic services. Dr. Rhoton served as president of the Arizona Trauma Therapy Network from 2010 through 2012. Dr. Rhoton was a Professor at Ottawa University in the Behavioral Sciences and Counseling Department whose primary interests were training counselors to work with traumagenic family dynamics, child and family trauma, and non-egoic models of treatment. Dr. Rhoton is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress and collaborates and consults with numerous Arizona agencies fine tuning their understanding of trauma and the impact of developmental trauma on the individual and family. Dr. Rhoton works internationally with organizations to improve the delivery of trauma treatment services.

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Refund Policy

Our refund policy: We do not allow for refunds to occur after the completion of the first module of any of our courses. You will have a 14 day window in which to make a request for a refund, providing you have not completed any of the modules in a given course. If you believe you have made a purchase by mistake then you can contact us at 480-442-1840. Refund requests that come after 14 days of the initial purchases or that come after completing any of the modules will not be approved. There is an $8 Processing Fee for every refund that we process.